Public Health Education (PHE)
PHE 101. Introduction to Public Health. 3 Credits.
Introduction to the population health approach to public health. Principles of evidence-based public health and tools for implementation including health communications and informatics, applications of social and behavioral sciences, and health policy, law and ethics. Methods for addressing non-communicable diseases, communicable disease and environmental diseases and injury. An overview of the U.S. health care system and comparisons with health care systems in other developed countries. Examination of public health institutions and systems at the local/state, federal and global levels as well as future issue in public health. F,S.
PHE 102. Epidemiology in Public Health. 3 Credits.
This course covers applications of epidemiologic methods and procedures to the study of the distribution and factors influencing health and diseases, morbidity, injuries, disability, and mortality in populations. Epidemiologic methods for the control of conditions such as infectious and chronic diseases, mental disorders, community and environmental health hazards, and unintentional injuries are discussed. Other topics include quantitative aspects of epidemiology, for example, data sources, measures of morbidity and mortality, evaluation of association and causality, and study design. F,S.
PHE 103. Introduction to Global Health. 3 Credits.
The purpose of this course is to provide the students with the basic knowledge of health indicators, major determinants, and trends of global health. F.
PHE 240. Personal Wellness. 3 Credits.
Designed to encourage personal awareness and responsibility for the maintenance of health and well-being. This course will study the multi-dimensional nature of wellness and the pivotal role that each dimension plays in personal self-fulfillment. F,S.
PHE 301. Principles and Foundation of Health Education. 3 Credits.
The purpose of this course is to provide the students the historical perspectives of health and health education; professional issues and ethics; credentialing; principles, practices, theoretical frameworks, and foundations of health education. F.
PHE 302. Community Health. 3 Credits.
Concepts of community and public health, health advocacy, and cultural competence; role of government, nonprofit and private agencies; investigation of health issues. F.
PHE 303. Organization and Administration of Community Health Programs. 3 Credits.
The purpose of this course is to provide the students with the basic principles of the organization and administration of health programs; leadership skills; grant writing. S.
PHE 304. Health Program Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation. 3 Credits.
This course is designed to prepare public health educators to plan, implement, and evaluate health education programs that are context sensitive, culturally relevant, and technologically appropriate to the setting, the population of potential learners, and the resources available. Additionally, concepts and theories essential to program evaluation are highlighted. S.
PHE 305. Research Methods in Kinesiology & Public Health Education. 3 Credits.
This course will engage students to understand and evaluate research in kinesiology and public health education. Quantitative and qualitative research methodology will be discussed. S.
PHE 306. Epidemiology and Biostatistics. 3 Credits.
An introduction to epidemiology and biostatistics in public health. S.
PHE 307. Methods and Materials of Health Education. 3 Credits.
Principles and application of methodology for educating about health; learning styles; development of computer-generated learning materials; selection, utilization, and evaluation of resources. F.
PHE 308. Health Policy, Law, and Ethics. 3 Credits.
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the legal and ethical issues impacting the administration and delivery of health care services. Health policy will examine the governmental role in health and in the provision of health care. Health policies, law, and ethics have a profound effect on quality of life. Accessibility, cost, quality of health care; safety of food, water, and environment; the right to make decisions about our health; these issues are vitally tied to health policies, law, and ethics. S.
PHE 309. Introduction to Human Disease. 3 Credits.
Fundamental principles relating to etiology, nature, prevention, and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases in human populations. Special emphasis on human physiology, disease prevention and health promotion in the high-risk diseases of modern, industrialized society. F.
PHE 415. Public Health Internship. 1-12 Credits.
A supervised practical experience designed to provide the student the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills learned through their public health coursework. Prerequisite: Public Health Education major or minor, PHE 301, PHE 302, PHE 303, and PHE 304. Repeatable to 12.00 credits. S/U grading. F,S,SS.
PHE 499. Special Topics in Public Health Education. 1-6 Credits.
Investigation of special topics in the study of public health education not included in current departmental course offerings. Specific topic will vary from offering to offering at the discretion of the department. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor. Repeatable to 6.00 credits. On demand.