Undergraduate Academic Warning, Suspension and Dismissal Policy
Academic Warning. Students at the University of North Dakota are expected to make progress toward attaining their degrees. Students who have earned fewer than 90 total hours will be considered in Good Academic Standing if they maintain a UND Grade Point Average (GPA) of C (2.00) or higher. Students who have earned 90 or more total hours will be in Good Academic Standing only with a 2.00 or higher GPA on both UND and cumulative hours. Students who do not maintain minimum academic requirements will, at the end of the fall, spring, or summer term in which they fail to meet minimum standards, be placed on Academic Warning. Students on Academic Warning may remove this status by attaining Academic Good Standing. Students will be continued on Academic Warning if they earn at least a 2.00 term GPA at the end of the semester of warning.
Suspension. A student on Academic Warning who earns less than a 2.00 term GPA at the end of the semester of Warning is considered not to be making academic progress and will be suspended. A suspended student may apply to return to the University after one semester’s absence. In order to return to UND, all suspended students must seek reinstatement from the Dean of the college in which they intend to enroll and readmission from the Office of the Registrar. If reinstatement is granted, the student will return to UND on Academic Warning status. In addition, deans may specify enrollment stipulations at the time of reinstatement. A request for reinstatement after suspension must be made at least 30 days prior to the semester in which the student seeks to return.
Under extenuating circumstances, suspended students may seek immediate reinstatement from the Dean of the college in which they intend to enroll without leaving the University for one academic semester. A request for immediate reinstatement must be made by the Monday, one week prior to the first week of school, of the semester in which the student seeks to return.
If the Dean does not reinstate the student after suspension, (whether a request for immediate reinstatement is made or the student sits out a term) the student may appeal the Dean’s decision. The appeal is requested through the University Senate Student Academic Standards Committee.
In all cases, if requesting reinstatement, suspended students must provide evidence of academic potential and a plan for significant academic success. Students are eligible to request reinstatement from suspension once within the duration of their undergraduate career at the University.
Separate from the request for reinstatement process following suspension, if the student feels the suspension has occurred based on circumstances beyond the student’s control, a request to appeal the suspension may be made. The request for an appeal following suspension must be made within 30 days to the University Senate Student Academic Standards Committee.
Dismissal. After the first suspension, failure to achieve minimum academic standards will result in the student being dismissed from the University. Dismissed students may apply to return to the University after a minimum of one year separation from the Institution along with evidence of academic potential and a plan for significant academic success.
An application for readmission after dismissal must be made at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the semester in which the student seeks to return. The request for readmission is acted upon by the University Senate Student Academic Standards Committee. If readmission is granted, the student will return to UND on Academic Warning status. Students are eligible to request readmission from dismissal once within the duration of their undergraduate career at the University.
Separate from the request for readmission following dismissal, if the student feels the dismissal was as a result beyond the student’s control, a request to appeal the dismissal may be made. The request for an appeal following dismissal must be made within 30 days to the University Senate Student Academic Standards Committee.
Suspension and dismissal are permanently recorded on the student’s transcript. (NOTE: It is possible to be in Good Academic Standing at the University, and, yet not to be in Good Academic Standing in certain University programs which require a GPA higher than 2.00.)