Final Examination Policy
No undergraduate student should be obliged to write three or more finals on the same day. If the student has three or more finals scheduled the same day, the student wishing an accommodation regarding final exams should contact his/her instructors to establish a mutually acceptable time to reschedule one or more of the exams. Any student request for the rescheduled final exam must be presented to the instructor before the end of the last day to drop a full term course, otherwise, the student’s rescheduling right is forfeited. If an accommodation cannot be reached, he or she should contact the department chair(s) to find a mutually agreeable time. If no agreement is reached, the appropriate dean(s) should be contacted. The final appeal, if no mutually convenient time has been found, will be to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. For help in requesting an accommodation, the student may contact their advisor.
A student who is absent from a regularly scheduled examination without an excuse considered valid by the instructor is normally given an F for the course. If the excuse is valid, the policy on incompletes will apply.
An examination is held at the end of most courses according to the published examination schedule. Alternate evaluation methods and schedules may be used when recommended by the departmental faculty and approved by the dean of the college offering the course. Any change in time from the published schedule requires the recommendation of the chairperson of the department and approval of the dean of the college offering the course. Any student who would be disadvantaged by such a change should report this in advance to the dean of the college offering the course, who will ensure that satisfactory alternate arrangements will be made by the instructor. Final exams for all courses, on-campus and semester based online, will conclude on or prior to the end of the final exam period. No final exams shall extend beyond the final exam period.