History (HIST)


HIST 101. Western Civilization I. 3 Credits.

An interpretive survey of Western Civilization from earliest times to the close of the European Middle Ages. F,S.

HIST 102. Western Civilization II. 3 Credits.

A comprehensive survey of Western Civilization from the Reformation to the present, with emphasis on movements and institutions common to Western Europe and their influence on the rest of the world. F,S.

HIST 103. United States to 1877. 3 Credits.

A survey of early American history, including old world background, transformation of British institutions into American institutions, revolution, and the establishment of the Union with its temporary breakup in Civil War. F,S.

HIST 104. United States since 1877. 3 Credits.

A survey of the history of the United States since Reconstruction, including the transformation of an isolationist, agrarian nation into an urban industrial and world power with attention to the resulting domestic social, economic and political changes. F,S.

HIST 105. World Civilizations I. 3 Credits.

Thematic comparative survey of world history from the earliest times to the middle ages, focusing on cultural difference, interaction and exchange. Major course themes will include the origin of urban civilizations, the growth of empires, the effects of environmental change, and the development of major religions, technologies, and scientific knowledge. F.

HIST 106. World History II, 1000 CE-present. 3 Credits.

This course surveys major world history themes from around 1000 CE to the present. It explores major shifts in world centers of power by focusing on interactions between people, societies, and cultures across the globe. Such interactions include the significance of economic trade, religious exchange, colonialism and responses to it, the rise and fall of different forms of slavery, the impact of revolutions and war, and decolonization and its ongoing effects. F,S.

HIST 140. Historical Detectives. 3 Credits.

This course serves as a laboratory in which students can work through historical problems related to a variable course topic chosen to highlight the connections between past and present. Some combination of traditional research, case studies, discussions, games or re-enactment will challenge students to engage their topic in depth, while providing the skills in reading, thinking, and communicating upon which all forms of historical analysis depend. Repeatable to 6.00 credits. F, even years.

HIST 181. Athletes as Activists. 3 Credits.

In spotlighting how amateur and professional athletes use their platforms to champion non-sports causes, this course offers insights about the nature of all social movements-it illuminates activists' strategic goals, tactical options, and their opponents' counter-tactics. Along the way, students consider the ways in which race, gender, religion, the law, and other factors influence athlete advocacy and responses to it. SS.

HIST 201. Civilizations. 3 Credits.

This class utilizes popular turn-based civilization video/computer games to explore major themes in the history of humankind. Students will utilize their experience playing these games to better develop an understanding of the ways in which civilizations have structured themselves and the similarities and differences that exist within Ancient, Early Modern and Modern Civilizations. On demand.

HIST 204. Canada to 1867. 3 Credits.

A survey of pre-Confederation Canadian history from the pre-Columbian period to 1867. Particular attention will be paid to the social, economic, and political factors in Europe and North America which shaped Canada's colonial history occurring since the Civil War. On demand.

HIST 205. Canada since 1867. 3 Credits.

A survey of Canadian history from Confederation to the present. Beginning with an overview of pre-Confederation Canada, this course will focus upon the cultural, economic, and political factors that have shaped Canada in the modern era. On demand.

HIST 206. History of Canada's First Nations. 3 Credits.

This course is designed to give students the opportunity to develop an understanding of the key issues and events which shaped the history of Canada's indigenous peoples from the close of the last "Ice Age" to the present. On demand.

HIST 210. United States Military History. 3 Credits.

A survey from colonial times to the present of the Army's role in the formulation and implementation of national defense. Attention is given to the Constitutional and legal status of the Army, changing concepts in military organization and training, public attitudes toward the military, and the influences of the Army on American society. Specific wars and battles are studied in terms of military tactics and strategy. On demand.

HIST 220. History of North Dakota. 3 Credits.

A survey emphasizing settlement and development, noting the consequences of the state's location, climate, and settlers on the situation in which it now finds itself. Special attention is paid to the Nonpartisan League story and the evolution of isolationist sentiment among North Dakotans. Recommended for Social Science major certification. F.

HIST 230. A Cultural History of Science and Technology. 3 Credits.

This course examines the evolution of modern science and technology from the Renaissance through the present day, focusing on the relationship between how cultures describe the natural world and develop the tools needed to manipulate it. The course will investigate how and why science and technology have acquired their privileged places in modern society, their crucial roles in the development of economic and military power, and in our construction of human social, racial, and gender difference. On demand.

HIST 240. The Historian's Craft. 3 Credits.

An introduction to research and writing history. Students will learn critical reading of secondary sources, how to locate and evaluate resources, how to analyze evidence, how to apply the style and form of historical writing, and how to utilize methods of research. Students will also study historiography and types of historical writing and practice. F,S.

HIST 250. The Civil Rights Movement. 3 Credits.

This course examines the "long" Civil Rights Movement, surveying not only the well-known struggles of the 1954-1965 period, but also significant episodes that came before and after that famous era. Along the way, the class explores contemporaries' accounts of the movement, how the crusade has been portrayed over the years, how Americans remember the saga nowadays, and civil rights today. On demand.

HIST 253. History of Stuff. 3 Credits.

What do your belongings say about you? Learn to interpret historic objects from ancient tools to modern toys and trash. Research, write and publish your findings online. S, odd years.

HIST 260. Slaves, Citizens and Social Change. 3 Credits.

Through intense role playing and a highly interactive learning environment, students in this course explore key historic debates in American history about slavery, capitalism, citizenship, and women's roles. Class sessions are student-centered and directed, while professors advise, guide and evaluate oral and written work. F, even years.

HIST 269. The World at War. 3 Credits.

This course explores the histories of the first and second world wars along with the interwar period. This includes the causes, events and consequences of each with a focus on tactics and technologies, the home-front and the use of propaganda. S, odd years.

HIST 300. Topics in History. 1 Credit.

Topics in history which allow the student to study a specialized subject. 4 credits may apply to the history minor; 6 credits to the history major. Repeatable to 6 credits. Repeatable to 6.00 credits. On demand.

HIST 301. The Medieval World. 3 Credits.

A survey of the people, cultures, and history of the European middle ages, from the late Roman Empire to the Renaissance. The course will focus on the lives and thoughts of medieval women and men from all social classes and on the foundations of European culture, society, politics, and worldview. Specific topics will include the Crusades, the Black Death, crime and punishment, daily life, war and violence, and religious life. On demand.

HIST 304. The Holocaust. 3 Credits.

This course is an in-depth exploration of why and how one of the worst genocides in human history happened. It is discussion-oriented and uses readings to explore the perspectives of victims, perpetrators, and bystanders, as well as how different groups in our 21st-century world today remember the event. F, even years.

HIST 305. Revolution, Protest, and Freedom. 3 Credits.

This course explores how ordinary people have used protest and revolution to promote ideas about freedom in the 20th century. It focuses on non-elites inside and outside of Europe's borders by examining the actions of women, colonial peoples, and the working classes. While it focuses on Europe the course incorporates a global view of how to understand protest and revolutionary social change. S, odd years.

HIST 310. Monuments, Museums and Memory. 3 Credits.

How should we remember our history? How do museums and public monuments influence our understanding of the past? Explore these questions through case studies and extended role-playing games. On demand.

HIST 325. American West. 3 Credits.

Explores the lives of diverse peoples living in western North America from the 16th century to the present. Topics include migrations, intercultural interactions, environmental change, and the West in popular culture. F, odd years.

HIST 327. France and Empire. 3 Credits.

This course will explore the development of modern French history from 1789- present. French history is highly contentious, characterized by revolution, imperialism, and a variety of marginalized groups fighting for rights as full citizens. The course is organized chronologically and themes will include politics, empire, society, and culture. F, odd years.

HIST 328. Human Rights. 3 Credits.

This course will explore how the concept of human rights developed throughout the world from the 18th century to today. Topics will include debates over what human rights are and when they originated, how people throughout the world have used the concept for their own ends, and why it is a controversial subject today. S, even years.

HIST 330. The United States: Social and Cultural, 19th Century. 3 Credits.

A survey of the contributions of social institutions (such as the family, school, and church) to the development of a national culture. The colonial background is considered briefly, but emphasis is given to the first half of the nineteenth century. Changing attitudes toward social reform, intellectualism, class status, and minorities (such as children, women, blacks, and Indians) are examined. Competing regional trends in economics, social, political, and intellectual attitudes and institutions provide the dynamics for understanding the failure of nationalism during the antebellum period. On demand.

HIST 331. Seminar in Great Plains History. 3 Credits.

Focused study of the Great Plains of North America through reading, discussion, research, and writing. Examines aspects of Great Plains history including culture, environment, social organization, economics, and politics from the ancient past to the present. On demand.

HIST 332. Women in Early America. 3 Credits.

How did women experience and shape American history and the United States as we know it today? This course explores the social, political, and economic lives of women from diverse cultural backgrounds in colonial America and the early United States. Using gender, race, class, and culture as analytical lenses reveals the struggles and victories of women, as well as their individual and collective influence on the broader society. F, odd years.

HIST 333. Women in Modern America. 3 Credits.

How did women experience and shape American history and the United States as we know it today? This course explores the social, political, and economic lives of American women from diverse cultural backgrounds from the rise of the "New Woman" in the late 19th century to the present. Using gender, race, class, and culture as analytical lenses reveals the struggles and victories of women, as well as their individual and collective influence on the broader society. S, even years.

HIST 334. Modern American Families. 3 Credits.

This course explores the diverse and dynamic history of American families from the colonial period to the present with particular attention to the roles of gender, race, class, culture, and sexuality in shaping the structure and purpose of different kinds of families across time and place. On demand.

HIST 335. Nuclear Weapons and the Modern Age. 3 Credits.

An introduction to the history of: nuclear weapons and their delivery systems, their development and use during World War II, the nuclear arms race between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R., popular disarmament movements, and diplomatic efforts to control nuclear weapons and their proliferation. A final section will deal with the nuclear implications of the end of the Cold War and the development of new nuclear states in the last years of the 20th century. The course will include--from an historian's point of view--some technical material necessary to a reasonable and realistic understanding of the subject. On demand.

HIST 339. The United States and Vietnam, 1945-1975. 3 Credits.

An exploration of Southeast Asian as well as American history. This course will survey briefly the development of Vietnamese culture and nationalism, the history of French imperialism in Indochina as background to an examination of the development of the Vietnamese independence movement, the origins of Vietnamese communism, the war for independence from France, and the violent and tragic relationship between the U.S. and Vietnam from the end of World War II to the final departure of American forces from Saigon. On demand.

HIST 340. Public History. 3 Credits.

An introduction to careers in archives, museums, and cultural resources management. Students gain experience interpreting the past for diverse public audiences. S.

HIST 343. Ancient Greece. 3 Credits.

A study of Greek prehistory and history to the end of the Hellenistic era. Greek achievements in art, commerce, literature, politics, religion, science, and technology are surveyed. S, even years.

HIST 344. Ancient Rome. 3 Credits.

A survey of the prehistory, historical development, and ultimate decline in Rome. In addition to inquiries into the military, political, cultural, economic, and religious experiences of the ancient Romans, this course will attempt to delineate those qualities of life that were peculiarly Roman. S, odd years.

HIST 345. The Ancient Near East. 3 Credits.

A course intended to acquaint the student with cultures of the ancient western Asian world. Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and the Levant are the areas emphasized. On demand.

HIST 347. Seminar. 3 Credits.

This class reinforces the skills introduced in HIST 240 through intensive student-centered approach to the study of the past. The class centers upon refining individual skills in informational literacy, critical thinking and both written and oral communication through a series of focused readings, discussions and projects. Prerequisite: HIST 240. On demand.

HIST 349. The Origins of Modern War. 3 Credits.

The course examines the military, social and technological developments that lead to the emergence of the modern way of war in the nineteenth century, from the advent of firearms and professional armies at the end of the middle ages, through the "Gunpowder Revolution" and the rise of the nation state, to the foundations of European global military dominance and the "nation at war" of the French Revolution and Napoleon. On demand.

HIST 350. The Renaissance, Reformations and Conquistadors: Europe 1450-1648. 3 Credits.

An introduction to the cultural and political history of Europe from the Renaissance of the late Middle Ages through the religious upheavals of the 16th century ending with the 30 Years War. The course will focus on the emergence of new worldviews during the Early Modern Era and the accompanying religious, social, and political transformation of Western culture. Topics will include European global exploration and expansion, the Protestant and Catholic Reformations, and the growth of a new understanding of our place in the cosmos. F, even years.

HIST 351. Kings, Criminals, and Capitalists: Europe 1648-1815. 3 Credits.

The class explores Europe's development from the end of the Thirty Years War to the end of the Napoleonic wars. Through a survey of Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the course explores the fascinating contradictions of the age as the early modern world gave way to the modern world and explains the birth of modern political, social, military and economic systems personified by the Industrial and French Revolutions. F, odd years.

HIST 353. Europe in the Nineteenth Century, 1815-1918. 3 Credits.

Europe was transformed by industrial and scientific achievements in the 19th century. People in many European countries saw their capacities in transportation, communication, production, manufacture, and weaponry multiplied many times over. The accumulated energy generated by these achievements was released in the Great War 1914-1918, which ended Europe's domination of the world. On demand.

HIST 355. Europe since 1918. 3 Credits.

When the 20th century began, Europe was the acknowledged center of the world. But 400 years of European global supremacy ended with the Great War of 1914-1918. Its aftermath was marked by the greatest tragedies in human history. Following the even more global and more terrible Second World War, European nations created the European Union. Can the EU withstand the stresses to which it is being subjected?. On demand.

HIST 362. Modern China. 3 Credits.

A survey of the political, economic, social, and intellectual history of China from the Opium War (1842) until the present. Special attention will be paid to the problems of modernization in traditional societies and to the nature of fundamental social revolution. On demand.

HIST 370. African-American History to 1877. 3 Credits.

This course begins with an examination of when and why the idea of race first developed; it then surveys colonial slavery, the impact of the American Revolution on race relations, and the slave community during the antebellum period. We also consider the lives of free blacks in the North and South, as well as the similarities and differences between U.S. and Latin American slavery. The course concludes with a detailed look at Reconstruction, this nation's experiment in interracial democracy. Through lecture, discussion, projects, and writing assignments, History 370 highlights both the tribulations and triumphs of African Americans. S, odd years.

HIST 371. African-American History since 1877. 3 Credits.

This course begins with a brief overview of Reconstruction; it then examines Populism, the entrenchment of Jim Crow segregation, and the philosophies of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois. We also explore the impact of World War I on African Americans, as well as the Great Migration, the Harlem Renaissance, and the Great Depression/World War II era. Several weeks are devoted to the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements, and the course concludes with an examination of contemporary race relations. A mixture of lectures, discussion, projects, and writing assignments, History 371 emphasizes both the travails and triumphs of African Americans since 1877, and endeavors to discover(and cultivate) the forces which promote racial equality and social justice. S, even years.

HIST 375. Twentieth-Century America. 3 Credits.

A study of American society in the long twentieth century (1877-2001). Explores the rise of America to industrial and world power and years of upheaval, cultural and political transformation, and economic decline. On demand.

HIST 391. The Invention of Latin American. 3 Credits.

This course explores the history of Latin America from 1492 through the mid-19th Century. It focuses on lasting legacies of conquest and colonization that give rise to the notion of a "Latin" America that is linguistically, culturally, and ethnically distinct from an "Anglo" America in the northern part of the hemisphere. Emphasis will be placed upon formulations of culture and race as they relate to the emergence of Latin American national identities. On demand.

HIST 397. Cooperative Education. 3 Credits.

A practical work experience with an employer closely associated with the student's academic area. 3 credits repeatable to 9. Arranged by mutual agreement among student, department, and employer. May be repeated to a maximum of 9 credits. Repeatable to 9.00 credits. S/U grading. F,S,SS.

HIST 399. Selected Topics in History. 1-3 Credits.

Selected topics in history which allow the student to study a specialized subject. Credits may apply to history major or minor. Repeatable to 30.00 credits. On demand.

HIST 402. Colonial & Revolutionary America. 3 Credits.

This course explores the rise of a 'Motley Rabble' of colonial peoples who John Adams, in 1770, blamed for the Boston Massacre. It explores the people who freely and unfreely came to British North America, their interactions with the peoples they encountered, and the world that they created. It ends by exploring how this 'Motley Rabble' gained their independence. On demand.

HIST 405. The Founding and Fracturing of the United States, 1776-1861. 3 Credits.

The saga of the United States from its founding in 1776 to the brink of its destruction in 1861. S, odd years.

HIST 406. The United States: Civil War and Reconstruction, 1850-1877. 3 Credits.

A study of the acceleration of the forces of sectionalism and racism that caused the temporary breakdown of the American democratic process and the tragedy of Civil War and Reconstruction. F, odd years.

HIST 407. The United States: Rise of Industrial America, 1877-1917. 3 Credits.

A survey of the rise of America to industrial and world power. Emphasis is placed upon the great changes which the Industrial Revolution brought and the American response to these changes. Detailed attention is given to the Populist and Progressive movements. On demand.

HIST 412. U.S.Foreign Relations since 1900. 3 Credits.

An advanced survey of the major policies advocated and pursued by the U.S. during the 20th century. On demand.

HIST 413. The United States since 1945. 3 Credits.

An advanced examination of the United States as it has developed from the height of its power, influence, and prosperity through years of upheaval, cultural and political transformation, and economic decline. On demand.

HIST 419. Great Britain since 1815. 3 Credits.

A survey of British history since 1815 with an emphasis on the state of mind known as "Victorian," as it was manifested, practiced, or criticized in the nineteenth century; its influence on economics, politics, foreign affairs, and social policy; and its vestiges in modern-day Britain. On demand.

HIST 421. The British Empire, 1496-1884. 3 Credits.

A survey of British Imperial history from the Tudors to the "Scramble for Africa." Particular attention will be paid to the social, economic, and political factors which shaped Britain's Imperial history as well as the history of its colonies. F, odd years.

HIST 422. The British Empire and Commonwealth, 1884-the Present. 3 Credits.

A survey of British Imperial history from the "Scramble for Africa" to the present. Beginning with an overview of the early Empire, this course will focus upon the cultural, economic, and political factors which shaped and led to the deconstruction of the Empire/Commonwealth in the modern era. On demand.

HIST 424. European Witch Trials. 3 Credits.

An examination of the development and content of European witch-beliefs and persecution, from their origins in antiquity and the middle ages through the dawn of the modern era. Emphasis upon witchcraft as a social, legal, and cultural phenomenon. On demand.

HIST 440. Research Capstone. 3 Credits.

In this capstone experience, students work closely with a member of the faculty to design and conduct a major research project on a topic of their choice. Students refine their skills in critical thinking, archival research, and persuasive written and oral communication. Prerequisite: HIST 240. S.

HIST 450. European Social History. 3 Credits.

This course will cover the methods, historiography, and problems of European social history. The course is divided into three sections for topical content: the Ancien Regime, the Age of Reform, and the Twentieth Century. There are several fairly specific skills students will develop, all of which can loosely be organized under the general heading of "how historians think:" to be able to distinguish between a primary and a secondary source; to be able to analyze a primary source within its appropriate historical context; to be able to locate the thesis or argument in a secondary source and to be able to offer an informed evaluation of that argument; to be able to read a secondary source within its particular context as part of a larger discussion of facts, individuals, events, etc.; and to be able to construct a sound historical thesis/argument of their own, whether in writing or class discussions. On demand.

HIST 470. United States-Canadian Relations, 1776 to the Present. 3 Credits.

This course explores the historical relationships linking and dividing Canada and the United States of America since 1774. Because of the unique constitutional and diplomatic status of British North America and then Canada itself, this course examines the often complex tri-partite relationship between the U.S., Canada, and Great Britain. On demand.

HIST 481. Public History Practice. 3 Credits.

A practicum in which the student learns through experience the techniques of public history work. F,S.

HIST 489. Senior Honors Thesis. 1-15 Credits.

Supervised independent study culminating in a thesis. Total not to exceed 15 credits. Prerequisite: Consent of the Department and approval of the Honors Committee. F,S.

HIST 494. Readings in History. 1-3 Credits.

Repeatable to 6 credits. Repeatable to 6.00 credits. F,S.

HIST 501. Methods of Historical Research. 3 Credits.

This course is intended to teach graduate students to comprehend, analyze, apply, and evaluate the basic techniques and frameworks for historical research. These include basic historical theories, methods, and problems (such as causality, objectivity, types of evidence, schools of historical thought, evaluation of sources, qualitative and quantitative analysis). Students will also learn how to use standard databases and bibliographical aids to find, identify, and assess appropriate information to support, modify, or reject historical interpretations and arguments. Prerequisite: Graduate status.

HIST 502. Historiography. 3 Credits.

Required for all candidates for advanced degrees in history. An introduction to the history of historical thought, from the classical Greeks to the present, with examination of some of the works of important historians writing in the western tradition. The first half of the course is primarily devoted to classical and European historians; the second half is primarily devoted to modern and American historians.

HIST 503. Advanced Historical Methods and Portfolio Preparation. 3 Credits.

This course builds upon and refines the skills necessary to conduct and present historical research within professional contexts, and helps support students in the preparation of their graduate portfolio and component documents. Prerequisite: Permission from the History Department Director of Graduate Studies. On demand.

HIST 511. Research Seminar in American History. 3 Credits.

Required for all candidates for the Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Arts, and Master of Arts who do not take History 515. This course requires preparation of a research paper. The subject of the research will be within an announced general topic area of American History. Repeatable. Repeatable.

HIST 513. Research Seminar in World History. 3 Credits.

This course introduces students to the research and writing of World History with a stress on the proper utilization of comparative and thematic methodology. It requires the preparation of a research paper that utilizes the methodology of World History.

HIST 515. Research Seminar in European History. 3 Credits.

Required for all candidates for the Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Arts, and Master of Arts who do not take History 511. This course requires preparation of a research paper. The subject of the research will be within an announced general topic area of European History. Repeatable. Repeatable.

HIST 520. Material Culture. 3 Credits.

This course introduces students to a material culture research methodology through reading, discussion, research, and writing.

HIST 521. Public History. 3 Credits.

This course exposes students to the practice of public history through readings, discussion and practice. Repeatable to six credits. Repeatable to 6.00 credits.

HIST 551. Seminar in the Teaching of History. 3 Credits.

Required of all students pursuing the Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Arts. Includes methods appropriate to college-level teaching. Class consists of discussion, demonstration, and practice. S.

HIST 585. Directed Readings. 3 Credits.

Independent, directed readings on a topic tailored to the individual needs of the student. Doctoral students may repeat this course to a maximum of 6 credits; Masters students may not repeat the course. Prerequisite: Graduate status.

HIST 592. Readings in World History. 3 Credits.

This course focuses upon the reading and understanding of World History historiography, theories and methods through thematic and comparative readings. Repeatable. Repeatable.

HIST 593. Readings in American History. 2-3 Credits.

Topics vary. Involves reading, bibliographical study, discussion, and writing. Study may be confined to a subtopic within the general subject area. Repeatable with different subtopics. Students in the M.A. program with a U.S. primary concentration will not ordinarily take more than one 593.. Repeatable to 30.00 credits.

HIST 594. Readings in European History. 2-3 Credits.

Topics vary. Involves reading, bibliographical study, discussion, and writing. Study may be confined to a subtopic within the general subject area. Repeatable with different subtopics. Students in the M.A. program with a European primary concentration will not ordinarily take more than one 594.. Repeatable to 36.00 credits.

HIST 595. Research. 1-6 Credits.

Requires a research project that will be a component of the area of concentration. Repeatable to 12 credits. Prerequisite: Candidates for the Doctor of Arts only. Repeatable to 12.00 credits.

HIST 599. Internship in the Teaching of History. 3 Credits.

The internship requires the teaching of three courses to demonstrate proficiency in college-level teaching at the undergraduate level. Although the teaching is supervised, the student has full responsibility for the courses. The internship may be conducted on this campus or, with proper arrangement and supervision, on another campus. May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits. Prerequisite: Candidates for the Doctor of Arts only. Repeatable to 9.00 credits. S/U grading.

HIST 996. Continuing Enrollment. 1-12 Credits.

Repeatable. S/U grading.

HIST 997. Independent Study. 2 Credits.


HIST 998. Thesis. 1-6 Credits.

Repeatable to 6.00 credits.

HIST 999. Dissertation. 3-24 Credits.

Repeatable to 24.00 credits.