Bachelor of Science in Social Work Second Degree Program

The student who holds a bachelor’s degree in a related field from an accredited institution and wishes to obtain a BSSW is eligible for the BSSW Second Degree Program. This specialized program allows students to achieve a BSSW in as little as three semesters. Students completing the Second Degree Program online may require more than three semesters. Second-Degree students are required to complete the 39 social work credits and any unfulfilled Essential Studies requirements.  

A statistics course is not required for Second Degree students but is often required for admission to an MSW Program. It is recommended that Second Degree students complete a statistics course if they intend to apply to an MSW Program.

 Second Degree Program Curriculum

SWK 255Introduction to Social Work: Changing Lives Changing Society4
SWK 257Human Behavior and the Social Environment I3
SWK 317Social Work Research3
SWK 357Human Behavior and the Social Environment II3
SWK 424Generalist Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families3
SWK 434Generalist Social Work Practice with Task and Treatment Groups3
SWK 442Social Policy3
SWK 454Generalist Social Work Practice with Communities and Organizations3
Social Work Elective - Elective list available from department2
SWK 481Field Education I5
SWK 482Field Education Seminar I1
SWK 483Field Education II5
SWK 484Field Education Seminar II1
Total Credits39

Students needing to fulfill essential studies requirements may require a longer duration in the program.