Note to International Students
It is strongly recommended that the application be completed three months prior to the term in which the applicant wishes to matriculate.
In general, the following guidelines indicate the level of preparation expected of all international applicants for admission to UND:
India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal: 1st Class Bachelor’s degree in engineering or medicine with a minimum of four years of study; master’s degree in all other fields.
Other Asian countries: Bachelor’s degree requiring a minimum of four years of study.
British or British-patterned education: Bachelor’s degree with honors with a minimum of four years of study.
French or French-patterned education: Diplome with a minimum of four years of post-baccalaureate study.
Other European, Latin American, Middle Eastern countries or Canada: University degree requiring a minimum of four years of study.
Three-year Bologna process degrees from countries within the European Union will be considered on an individual basis. Three-year degrees from other countries may also be considered. Applicants may be requested to provide a credential course-by-course transcript evaluation in addition to official transcripts from their university.
All graduate applicants must demonstrate academic-level proficiency with the English language before they will be considered for approved admission status. This requirement must be met by all applicants, regardless of citizenship, residency, or nation of birth. The English Proficiency Requirement will not be waived for any reason.
International students are required to submit a certification of finances to the Office of International Programs after an offer of admission has been made. Approximately $35,000 annually is required for educational and living expenses.
Applicants admitted to a graduate program will be issued an I-20 Form after all required documentation has been submitted.