Withdrawal from the University
A student wishing to withdraw from the University before the end of a semester must complete a Cancellation/Withdrawal Form to the Office of the Registrar.
Deadlines for the last day a student may withdraw registration without grades, but with a “W,” are posted on the UND academic calendar. After the deadline a student should continue classes to completion. An exception to this rule is that a student may have his or her registration withdrawn without grades, but with a “W,” for cause (major mental or physical illness or other significant incapacity) providing both the student’s Academic Dean and the Associate Vice President for Student Services agree to this course of action. Anytime a student withdraws after the first ten calendar days of the semester, a “W” grade for each course, indicating the withdrawal, will appear on the student’s transcript. All courses in which the student was enrolled on the first day of the term will be considered when assessing satisfactory progress for financial aid purposes.
If a student would like to completely withdraw from a degree program, he or she must complete a School of Graduate Studies Withdrawal Form available on the School of Graduate Studies website. Once a student withdraws from a program, they may not be readmitted unless a new application for admission is submitted.