Military Science (MS)


MS 101. Military Science I. 2 Credits.

This beginner class introduces you to the personal challenges and competencies that are critical for effective leadership and communication. You will learn how the personal development of life skills such as cultural understanding, goal setting, time management, stress management, and comprehensive fitness relate to leadership, officer-ship, and the Army profession. Participation in a weekend exercise is optional. F.

MS 101L. Leadership Lab I. 1 Credit.

An introduction to individual and team aspects of military team building and leadership in small unit operations. Includes basic drill and ceremony, marksmanship training and fundamental concepts of leadership. Corequisite: MS 101. F.

MS 102. Military Science I. 2 Credits.

Introduces you to the professional challenges and competencies that are needed for effective execution of the profession of arms and Army communication. Through this course, you will learn how Army ethics and values shape your army and the specific ways that these ethics are inculcated into Army culture. Prerequisite: MS 101. S.

MS 102L. Leadership Lab I. 1 Credit.

An introduction to individual and team aspects of military team building and leadership in small unit operations. Includes operation order writing, team level movement techniques and continue concepts of leadership. Corequisite: MS 102. S.

MS 141. Army Conditioning I. 1 Credit.

This course is designed for beginners, emphasizing on the Army components of physical fitness; cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and body composition. An essential objective for each student is to achieve a minimum score, in the Army Fitness test for record. Corequisite: MS 101 & MS 101L. F.

MS 142. Army Conditioning II. 1 Credit.

This course is designed for intermediate level instruction, emphasizing on the Army components of physical fitness; cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and body composition. An essential objective for each student is to achieve a minimum score in the Army Fitness test for record. S.

MS 143. Army Conditioning III. 1 Credit.

This course is designed for advanced level instruction, emphasizing on the Army components of physical fitness; cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and body composition. A key objective is for each student to achieve a minimum score of 270 points total, in three events of the Army Personal Fitness Test (APFT): push-ups, sit-ups and a two mile run. F,S.

MS 201. Military Science II. 2 Credits.

This class primarily is drawn from the Adaptability Army Learning Area (ALA). The outcomes are demonstrated through Critical and Creative Thinking and the ability to apply Troop Leading Procedures (TLP). Comprehension of the officer's role in Leading Change by applying Innovative Solutions to Problems in concert with the Principles of Mission Command. The Army Profession is also stressed through leadership forum and a leadership self-assessment. Prerequisite: MS 101 and MS 102. F.

MS 201L. Leadership Lab II. 1 Credit.

Learn and apply the principles of effective leadership. Reinforce self confidence. Includes drill and ceremony, weapon qualification and leadership principles. Corequisite: MS 201 and MS 241. F.

MS 202. Military Science II. 2 Credits.

This class begins the journey to understand and demonstrate Cross-Cultural Competencies as they relate to Army doctrine and how they apply in a combatant commander's Engagement Strategies. Army Values, Teamwork, and Warrior Ethos and their relationship to the Law of Land Warfare and philosophy of military service are also stressed. The ability to lead and follow is also covered through Team Building exercises in small units up to squad level. Prerequisite: MS 101, MS 102, and MS 201. S.

MS 202L. Leadership Lab II. 1 Credit.

Learn and apply the principles of effective leadership. Reinforce self confidence. Includes small unit tactics, land navigation and FLRC (Field Leadership Reaction Course). Corequisite: MS 202 and MS 242. S.

MS 215. Conflict Simulation. 1 Credit.

A course analyzing military strategy and tactics through the use of war gaming activities based upon historical renderings. F,S.

MS 241. Military Physical Conditioning II. 1 Credit.

Building on concepts of the 100 level class, emphasizing on the Army components of physical fitness; cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility and body composition. An essential objective for each student is to achieve a minimum score in the Army Fitness test for record. Corequisite: MS 201 and MS 201L. F.

MS 242. Military Physical Conditioning II. 1 Credit.

Continuation of 241 with emphasis on leadership of a squad during physical training, supervising each individual's correct performance of stretching and calisthenics, as well as following assigned students progression and taking responsibility for mentoring subordinates. An essential objective for each student is to achieve a minimum score in the Army Fitness test for record. Corequisite: MS 202 and MS 202L. S.

MS 290. ROTC Basic Course. 4 Credits.

This course allows those students to receive credit for completing Basic Training and AIT; A DD214 is required or completion of CIET (Cadet Initial Entry Training). Both options an also be used to enter the advanced course Army ROTC. It also can be used by military veterans to receive credit for completion of basic training and advanced occupational skill training; A DD214 is required with RE code listed (Member 4 copy). F,S,SS.

MS 301. Military Science III. 3 Credits.

Series of practical opportunities in leadership and problem solving used to lead small groups, receive personal assessments and encouragement, and lead again in situations of increasing complexity. Uses small unit tactics and opportunities to plan and conduct training for lower division students both to develop such skills and as vehicles for practicing leadership skills. Plan and execute a leadership lab class for the ROTC Battalion. Participation in one weekend exercise is also required, and one or two more weekend exercises may be offered for optional participation. Prerequisite: MS 101, MS 102, MS 201, MS 202 or Basic Combat Training or (CIET) Cadet Initial Entry Training. Corequisite: MS 301L and MS 341. F.

MS 301L. Leadership Lab III. 1 Credit.

Series of practical opportunities to lead small groups, receive personal assessments. Use small unit tactics and opportunities to plan and conduct training for lower division students. Prerequisite: MS 101, MS 102, MS 201, and MS 202. Corequisite: MS 301 and MS 341. F.

MS 302. Military Science III. 3 Credits.

Continues methodology of MSci 301. Analyze tasks; prepare written or oral guidance for team members to accomplish tasks. Delegate tasks and supervise. Plan for and adapt to the unexpected in organizations under stress. Examine and apply lessons from leadership case studies. Examine importance of ethical decision making in setting a positive climate that enhances team performance. Plan and execute a leadership lab class for the ROTC Battalion. Participation in one weekend exercise is required; two other weekend exercises option. Prerequisite: MS 101, MS 102, MS 201, MS 202, and MS 301. Corequisite: MS 302L and MS 342. S.

MS 302L. Leadership Lab III. 1 Credit.

Series of practical opportunities to lead small groups, receive personal assessments. Use small unit tactics and opportunities to plan and conduct training for lower division students. Prerequisite: MS 101, MS 102, MS 201, MS 202, MS 301, MS 301L, and MS 341. Corequisite: MS 302 and MS 342. S.

MS 331. Military Science III - Advanced Placement. 3 Credits.

Series of practical opportunities in leadership and problem solving used to lead small groups, receive personal assessments, encouragement and lead in situations of increasing complexity. Use small unit tactics and opportunities to plan and conduct training for lower division students both to develop such skills and as vehicles for practicing leadership skills. Plan and execute a leadership lab class for the ROTC Battalion. Participation in one weekend exercise is also required, and one or two more weekend exercises may be offered for optional participation. Includes fitness conditioning, preparatory conditioning and maintenance throughout the semester. An essential objective for each student is to achieve a minimum score in the Army Fitness test for record. Prerequisite: MS 101, MS 102, MS 201, MS 202 or Basic Combat Training (BT) or Cadet Initial Entry Training (CIET). F.

MS 332. Military Science III - Advanced Placement. 3 Credits.

Continues methodology of MS 331. Analyze tasks; prepare written or oral guidance for team member to accomplish tasks. Delegate tasks and supervise. Plan for an adapt to the unexpected in organizations under stress. Examine and apply lessons from leadership cause studies. Examine importance of ethical decision making in setting a positive climate that enhances team performance. Plan and execute a leadership lab class for the ROTC Battalion. Participation in one weekend exercise is required; two other weekend exercises option. Includes fitness conditioning, preparatory conditioning and maintenance throughout the semester. An essential objective for each student is to achieve a minimum score in the Army Fitness test for record. Prerequisite: MS 101, MS 102, MS 201, MS 202, or Basic Combat Training (BT) or Cadet Initial Entry Training (CIET) and MS 341. S.

MS 341. Military Physical Conditioning III. 2 Credits.

Instruction is on leadership of a company sized element and the phases of fitness conditioning, preparatory conditioning, and maintenance. An essential objective for each student is to achieve a minimum score in the Army Fitness test for record. Corequisite: MS 301 and 301L. F.

MS 342. Military Physical Conditioning III. 2 Credits.

Continuation of 341 with instruction on leadership of a company sized element and the phases of fitness conditioning, preparatory conditioning, and maintenance. An essential objective for each student is to achieve a minimum score of in the Army Fitness test for record. Corequisite: MS 302 and MS 302L. S.

MS 401. Military Science IV. 3 Credits.

The focus of this semester is leadership development, critical thinking, and the final preparation for commissioning as an Army Lieutenant. There is an instructional mixture of leadership, professional competence, adaptability, teamwork, lifelong learning, comprehensive fitness, and the Army as a profession. Course includes leadership laboratories and field exercises to further leader development and preparation as a future Army leader. Prerequisite: MS 101, MS 102, MS 201, MS 202, MS 301 and MS 302. Corequisite: MS 401L and MS 441. F.

MS 401L. Leadership Lab IV. 1 Credit.

A culmination of all the concepts learned in the previous classes with emphasis on writing operation orders for company level and higher. Responsible for all Army ROTC Cadet Battalion training involving a series of practical exercises and evaluation of training. Prerequisite: MS 101, MS 102, MS 201, MS 202, MS 301, MS 301L, MS 341, MS 302, MS 302L and MS 342. Corequisite: MS 401 and MS 441. F.

MS 402. Military Science IV. 3 Credits.

This course is the culmination of a well-rounded four year educational experience. It is during this semester that the Cadet is undergoing final preparation for commissioning and integration into the Army. The emphasis is placed on skills that the newly commissioned officer will need to succeed in their first unit of assignment, demonstrating the ability to plan, prepare, execute, and assess platoon-level training strategies to enable mission accomplishment. Course includes leadership laboratories and field exercises. Prerequisite: MS 101, MS 102, MS 201, MS 202, MS 301, MS 301L, MS 341, MS 302, MS 302L, MS 342, MS 401, MS 401L, and MS 441. Corequisite: MS 402L and MS 442. S.

MS 402L. Leadership Lab IV. 1 Credit.

A culmination of all of the concepts learned in the previous classes with emphasis on writing operation orders for company level and higher. Responsible for all Army ROTC Cadet Battalion training involving a series of practical exercises and evaluation of training. Prerequisite: MS 101, MS 102, MS 201, MS 202, MS 301, MS 301L, MS 341, MS 401, MS 401L, and MS 441. Corequisite: MS 402 and MS 442. S.

MS 431. Military Science IV - Advanced Placement. 3 Credits.

This course focuses on the development of the Army Officer. Students develop knowledge, skills and abilities to plan, prepare/resource, execute and assess training at the small unit lever; counsel subordinates; evaluate performance; understand legal and ethical responsibilities; conduct career planning; and understand the Army as a profession and their part of it as a professional Army Officer. Prerequisite: MS 101, MS 102, MS 201, MS 202 or Basic Combat Training (BT) or Cadet Initial Entry Training (CIET) and MS 331, MS 332. F.

MS 432. Military Science IV - Advanced Placement. 3 Credits.

This course focuses on the development of the Army Officer. Students develop knowledge, skills and abilities to plan, prepare/resource, execute and assess training at the small unit lever; counsel subordinates; evaluate performance; understand legal and ethical responsibilities; conduct career planning; and understand the Army as a profession and their part of it as a professional Army Officer. Prerequisite: MS 101, MS 102, MS 201, MS 202 or Basic Combat Training (BT) or Cadet Initial Entry Training (CIET) and MS 331, MS 332, and MS 431. S.

MS 441. Military Physical Conditioning IV. 2 Credits.

Putting together all of the personal fitness concepts learned in the previous classes with emphasis on leadership of a battalion sized organization, including planning and coordination of all physical fitness for the ROTC Battalion and evaluation of the personal fitness training and trainers. Coordination of individual training specific to fitness ends. An essential objective for each student is to achieve a minimum score in the Army Fitness test for record. Corequisite: MS 401 and MS 401L. F.

MS 442. Military Physical Conditioning IV. 2 Credits.

Continuation of 441 with emphasis on grasping the Army's policy on physical fitness, fitness maintenance, and safety. Become familiar with Army regulations and forms pertaining to physical fitness. Responsible for documentation, testing and briefing of the ROTC Battalion's Physical Fitness Program. An essential objective for each student is to achieve a minimum score in the Army Fitness test for record. Corequisite: MS 402 and MS 402L. S.

MS 499. Special Topics. 1-3 Credits.

Special Topics for the Department of Military Science. Repeatable to 6 credits. Repeatable to 6.00 credits. F,S.